Medic Primar Diabet Zaharat, Nutriție și Boli Metabolice cu experiență de peste 7 ani.
Asistent Universitar la Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila”.
A obținut Competența în ecografie generală în 2018.
A fost Medic Rezident Specialitatea Diabet zaharat, Nutriție și Boli Metabolice în București, 2009-2014.
Coautor la lucrările: The evolution of inflammatory markers after weight loss: comparison of metabolic surgery versus lifestyle changes in obese type 2 diabetes patients. 4th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Management of Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications, Interdiab 2018, 362-371. Comparison of Sleeve Gastrectomy and Conservatory Treatment Effect on Biochemical and Hormonal Profile of Obese Type 2 Diabetes Subjects: CREDOR Randomized Controlled Study Results, REV CHIM, 2017, 68 (7):1622-1627. The evolution of resting metabolic rate and body composition after 6 and 12 months of lifestyle changes in obese type 2 diabetes patients. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Management of Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications, Interdiab 2017. The evolution of cardiovascular Risk Factors 6 Months after the intensification of lifestyle changes in obese, type 2 diabetes patients with an indication for metabolic surgery. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Management of Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications, Interdiab 2016, 435-444.